Quality Indicator Framework (QIF)

Criterion 1 – Curricular Aspects

1.3 Curriculum Enrichment
1.3.1 Institution integrates cross-cutting issues relevant to Professional Ethics, Gender, Human Values, Environment and Sustainability and other value framework enshrined in Sustainable Development. Goals and National Education Policy – 2020 into the Curriculum
The wholesome purpose of education in the university is to turn mirrors into windows. To enhance the skill and professional competencies of the students, the university’ s curriculum besides focusing on the core courses integrates cross cutting issues viz gender, environment and sustainability, human values and professional ethics to inculcate quality related attributes and trails so as to enable pupils to lead a purposeful and independent life with moral and spiritual values.
Gender sensitisation is accomplished in the university through the synergy of theory, practices, events and activities. It is incorporate in the core theory, electives, and co-curricular and skill development courses to promote gender equality. University committees are framed to have equal representations of genders.
Environment and sustainability:
The University has got vast land allotted from the government. Every year we involve students to do plantations and to develop gardens etc. This gives out a message that one should care environment and its importance. University organises the sustainability and environment sensitivity through NSS cell. University celebrates earth day, and  environment day etc. The university has organised environment Conservation activities in coordination with other organisations/NGOs as well as students, parents, volunteers in promoting such noble tasks. Organising various campaigns, debates seminars, eco club, exhibitions, and plastic free environment of University Campus etc was truly an inspirational drive in this regard.
Professional ethics and Human values:
The importance to inculcate honesty, integrity, accountability, objectivity, transparency, respectfulness, punctuality and obedience to law of the nation are highlighted to students and also through various acts conducted by faculties and staffs. We assign various tasks during workshops and through seminars & what’s advised by eminent personalities. The curriculum also subsumes professional ethics directly in electives and the core theory of programs in media, IT and Business Management along with learning spirituality & human values setting the university as a temple of learning.
1.3.2 Number of certificate/value added courses/Diploma Programme offered by the institutions and online courses of MOOCs, SWAYAM/e Pathshala/ NPTEL and other recognized platforms (without repeat count) where the students of the institution have enrolled and successfully completed during the last five years.
Response: 17
1.3.3 Percentage of programmes that have components of field projects/research projects/internships during the last five years.
Response: 89.29 Total Number of programmes that have components of field projects / research projects / internships (without repeat count) during the last five years.
Response: 25 Total Number of programmes offered (without repeat count) during the last five years.
Response: 28